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“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”


“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”



What type of books can we use?
  • Children’s books in good condition
  • Books for children between the ages of 1-13 years old
  • Books for children in Pre-School/ Creche up until Grade 7, Intersen Phase.
  • IsiZulu or English children’s books
  • Fiction or Non-fiction children’s books
  • Children’s dictionaries

No workbooks, Encyclopedias, sticker / activity books.

Drop off point – 110 Kenneth Kaunda Road, Durban North.


How can you give of your time?
  • Help collect pre-loved children’s books
  • Sorting and cleaning donated books
  • Covering books in plastic
  • Library set up assistance
  • Visiting LEARN beneficiary schools
  • Fundraising assistance
  • Community service hours for learners in High School
  • President’s Award hours for learners in High School
  • Mandela Day 67 minutes

Nelson Mandela Day encourages 67 minutes of time to make life better for others. The LEARN Project provides opportunity to do just that. We host book covering parties, team building sessions and work parties to uplift disadvantaged schools.

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”