Richards Bay, KZN
Our first LEARN library in Richards Bay opened its door at Sitholinhlanhla Primary School on the 10 November 2022, proudly sponsored by SiyaQhubeka Forests. The significance of the day was highlighted in a vibrant celebratory opening ceremony with the team from SiyaQhubeka Forests, invited guests from the Department of Education, The LEARN Project, learners, teachers, SGB members and members of the community.
An electric atmosphere of JOY. A kaleidoscope of colour. A celebration of hope through song, dance and words of inspiration. Thank you, SiyaQhubeka Forests, for this lifetime investment in Sitholinhlanhla Primary School.
Transformation takes teamwork
What a transformation! An empty classroom, converted into a fully functional Intersen library by our trusted dream team from Essentials Building and The LEARN Project. Shelves filled with 1940 books and a variety of educational puzzles, games and resources. All library monitors were empowered on our library monitor training course and received their monitor badges and certificates. Teachers completed our ‘Welcome to the Library’ training course and a timetable was established, allocating a weekly lesson in the library for every Grade 4-7 class. We now receive positive updates on the huge impact this library is making within the school.
”“Our dream came true. It was our wish that one day we would have a library in our school to help improve cognitive skills. Since the launch of our library, our learners have developed a culture of reading. Our library facility has inspired a positive vision of the school’s future and we appreciate the opportunities this will create.”
A picture speaks a thousand words
From start to completion, this is Sitholinhlanhla Primary’s transformation story.